Title:   The Catch The Story of Fishing in Australia
Author:   Clark Anna
Publisher:   National Library of Australia
Binding:   Paperback
Edition:   2017
APN:   9780642279064 or ISBN(0642279063)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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In every coastal town in Australia, there's a bait shop and a boat ramp, and, in garages around the country, fishing rods are strung up waiting for their next outing. Many of us have a special fishing spot, and families pass on tips from generation to generation and exchange fishy tales of amazing catches and near misses. Bringing her personal passion for throwing in a line, author Anna Clark celebrates the enduring pleasure of fishing in The Catch: The Story of Fishing in Australia. This book charts the history of fishing, from the first known accounts of Indigenous fishing and early European encounters with Australia's waters, to the latest fishing fads; from the introduction of trout and fly fishing to the challenges of balancing needs of commercial and recreational fishers. "I just couldn't put it down … my best fishing read to date" ~ Rob Paxevanos, host of Fishing Australia (TV) Read the review in the Sydney Morning Herald here.