Title:   The Great Book-Swapping Machine
Author:   Allen, Emma
Publisher:   National Library of Australia
Binding:   Hardback
APN:   9780642279736 or ISBN(064227973X)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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Age range 4 +

Late one night, a thing appears in the paddock next to Fabio's house.

His dad calls it 'space junk' but inside Fabio discovers books. Books about the galaxy; big, fat books; books full of poems. He swaps a book with Leila from next door and the thing becomes a Great Book-swapping Machine.

But will the very important woman from the Space Agency let the community keep their machine? And what will happen when Fabio pulls its shiny red lever?

Comprising a funny, original and imaginative story, whimsical illustrations and an informative fact section, The Book-swapping Machine is a book about the joys of reading and the importance of community.