Title:   Body Sculpture: Jordan Wolfson
Author:   Storer Russell
Publisher:   National Gallery of Australia
Binding:   Hardback
Edition:   2023
APN:   9780642335036 or ISBN(0642335036)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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Artist Jordan Wolfson is emblematic of the time in which we live. As we grapple with our relationship to technology, our immersion in internet culture, and with social issues of racial and gender inequality, alienation and violence, Wolfson confronts us with their images, actions and effects. His works act as witnesses on the world we are in right now, rather than taking a moral position or articulating a particular point of view. They are therefore often uncomfortable to experience, as well as being deeply intriguing in their extraordinary visual power and technical sophistication.

Body Sculpture is the first work by Wolfson to enter an Australian collection. In this publication, the National Gallery has gathered robust ideas, facilitated discussions, and sought unique
perspectives that position Wolfson's major work within diverse contexts, including art history, cybernetics and media theory.

Contributors to Body Sculpture: Jordan Wolfson include Wolfson's principal collaborator, Mark Setrakian; Richard Taylor of Wt Workshop; Russell Ferguson, a curator, writer and longtime observer of Wolfson's work; Genevieve Bell and Andrew Meares, from the Australian National University School of Cybernetics; artist Anne Imhof; and Russell Storer, Head of International Art at the National Gallery of Australia.

The creative vision for the publication has been driven by the artist and features stunning documentary photographs by David Sims and design by Joseph Logan.