Title:   Ikuntji Textiles
Author:   Schmidt, Chrischona
Publisher:   Ikuntji Artists
Binding:   Paperback
APN:   9780645478501 or ISBN(0645478504)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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Ikuntji Artists presents Ikuntji Textiles, a book about the development of the designs, their stories and the artists behind them, and the collaborations.

This full colour publication gives an insight into our range of wearable art textiles. Texts included range from interviews with our artists in Luritja and English, expert voices in the field of textile design, collaborators and our staff who have been on this journey with us.

This book is the result of years of artistic workshops and the recording of stories with the artists. It is self published by Ikuntji Artists through the support of donors. The research is funded by Indigenous Languages and Arts funding.