Title:   Wollemi
Author:   Tidy Samantha
Publisher:   CSIRO Publishing
Binding:   Hardback
Edition:   2023
APN:   9781486316083 or ISBN(1486316085)
Availability:   In Stock - Ready for dispatch or pick up, we'll email you to confirm.
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Age range 6 to 9

Deep in the forest, an ancient wonder is about to be found. Descended from a family of trees going back 200 million years, the Wollemi pine has survived ice, fire and the passing of many generations.

Will a bushfire be the final threat to this living fossil? And how will we protect it, now that everyone wants a dinosaur tree? How can we make sure the Wollemi's secret location is not discovered and damaged?

Wollemi: Saving a Dinosaur Tree explains the unique and critically endangered status of the Wollemi pine and explores what actions can be taken today to contribute to the conservation of this rare and beautiful tree.

Reading level varies from child to child, but we recommend this book for ages 6 to 9.