Title:   Move Over, Deer!
Author:   Berasaluce, Andy Jones
Publisher:   Sky Pony Press
Binding:   Hardback
APN:   9781510775152 or ISBN(1510775153)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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Age range 3 to 6

There's room for everyone here! A picture book about tolerance and sharing.

The deer have discovered a secret place while on a road trip in their chic convertible. And of course they want it all to themselves! 

But soon, more and more animals gather at the lake. They go swimming, sunbathe, play cards, take naps, and have picnics. There's a lot going on! And the deer are not happy about that - at all. 

When it suddenly starts to rain and the seats in the great (topless - because deer have very tall antlers!) convertible get wet, the other animals come to the rescue with the same blankets, umbrellas, and towels that had previously irritated the deer. 

The deer soon realise, with regret, that it's nicer when all the animals are together and getting along.