Title:   The Sound of Difference
Author:   Kolbe, Kristina
Publisher:   Manchester Uni Press
Binding:   Hardback
APN:   9781526165497 or ISBN(152616549X)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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What happens when the elitist space of ' Western' classical music seeks to diversify itself? And what are the social effects worked through diversity discourses in classical music institutions? The Sound of Difference addresses these concerns by critically examining how diversity work takes shape in a cultural sector so deeply implicated in hierarchies of class, structures of whiteness, and legacies of imperialism. The book draws from ethnographic and interview data to analyse how diversity discourses become constructed in the organisational and creative processes of music production. From rehearsal and performance practices to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the sector' s commitment to change, Kolbe reveals the institutional constraints and precarious labour relations that form around diversity work in classical music and skilfully considers what these processes can tell us about the remaking of class, race, and racism today.