Title:   A Criminology Of Narrative Fiction
Author:   McGregor, Rafe
Publisher:   Bristol University Press
Binding:   Hardback
APN:   9781529208054 or ISBN(152920805X)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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Criminology has been reluctant to embrace fictional narratives as a tool for understanding, explaining and reducing crime and social harm.In this philosophical enquiry, McGregor uses examples from films, television, novels and graphic novels to demonstrate the extensive criminological potential of fiction around the world. Building on previous studies of non-fiction narratives, the book is the first to explore the ways criminological fiction provides knowledge of the causes of crime and social harm. For academics, practitioners and students, this is an engaging and thought-provoking critical analysis that establishes a bold new theory of criminological fiction.