Title:   Youth, Work and the Post-Fordist Self, First Edition
Author:   Farrugia, David
Publisher:   Bristol Classics
Binding:   Paperback
APN:   9781529210064 or ISBN(1529210062)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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Drawing on empirical research, this book provides an innovative exploration of youth and work, showing how youth identities are connected with the dynamics of labour and value in contemporary capitalism.

In the past, youth has been seen as a transition into the labour market, but today young people's identities are increasingly wrapped up in their value as workers. In this book, young people describe the meaning of work in their own words. Drawing on these narratives, the author reveals how their identities are intertwined with the dynamics of labour and value in post-Fordist capitalism and how social inequalities are manifested through the practices and ethics that young people draw upon to cultivate an economically productive self. Illuminating the rapidly changing social conditions that mould youth identities, this book represents a paradigm shift in our understanding of youth and work.