Title:   Mediated Emotions of Migration: Reclaiming Affect for Agency, First Edition
Author:   Khorana, Sukhmani
Publisher:   Bristol University Press
Binding:   Hardback
Edition:   2022
APN:   9781529218237 or ISBN(1529218233)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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This book unpacks how emotions and affect are key conceptual lenses for understanding contemporary processes and discourses around migration.

Drawing on empirical research, grassroots projects with migrants and refugees, and mediated stories of migration and asylum seeking from the Global North, the book sheds light on the affects of empathy, aspiration and belonging to reveal how they can be harnessed as public emotions of positive collective change.

In the face of increasing precariousness, Khorana calls for uncovering the potential of these affects in order to build new forms of care and solidarities across differences, and in the wake of intersecting global crises.