Title:   Rupert Murdoch A reassessment
Author:   Tiffen Rodney
Publisher:   UNSW Press NewSouth
APN:   9781742233567 or ISBN(1742233562)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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Tony Abbott thinks that Murdoch is one of the most influential Australians of all time and that we should support our ‘hometown hero’. Conrad Black once described his fellow media tycoon as, like Napoleon, ‘a great bad man’, and said it would be as wrong to doubt his greatness as his badness. American newspaper columnist Mike Royko was cheekier: no self-respecting fish, he said, would be seen dead wrapped in one of Murdoch’s papers.

In this landmark book, Rodney Tiffen provides a fresh assessment of a remarkable and controversial media proprietor – his journalism, his unparalleled expansion and his costly failures. It offers a new perspective on the development of Murdoch’s political ideas, his enthusiasm for campaigning, and the way he has transformed political support into policy favours in Canberra, London and Washington. Finally, it examines the phone-hacking and bribery scandals that have wracked Murdoch’s empire, and traces their roots to a corporate culture shaped by one man over six decades.