Title:   How to be an Academic The Thesis Whisperer Reveals All
Author:   Mewburn Inger
Publisher:   UNSW Press NewSouth
Binding:   Paperback
Edition:   2017
APN:   9781742235073 or ISBN(1742235077)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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Welcome to the world of university academics, where the Academic Hunger Games, fuelled by precarious employment conditions, is the new reality a perpetual jostle for short-term contracts and the occasional plum job. But Inger Mewburn is here to tell you that life needn't be so grim.

A veteran of the university 'gig economy', Mewburn aka The Thesis Whisperer is perfectly placed to reflect on her experience and offer a wealth of practical strategies to survive and thrive. Here, she deftly navigates the world of the working academic, from thesis and article writing and keeping motivation alive, to time management, research strategies, new technologies, applying for promotion, sexism in the workplace, writing grant applications, and deciding what to wear to give a keynote address.

Constructive, inclusive, hands-on, and gloves-off, How to be an Academic is a survival manual for aspiring and practising academics that will confirm that no matter what your experience in academia, you are not alone.