Title:   Gender Politics Navigating Political Leadership in Australia
Author:   Ghazarian Zareh , Lee-Koo Katrina (eds)
Publisher:   UNSW Press NewSouth
Binding:   Paperback
Edition:   2021
APN:   9781742236933 or ISBN(1742236936)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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Gender is a powerful force that shapes Australias political leadership.Gender impacts the politics, government and policies of our nation. It influences the public lives of all political leaders. It affects how they interact with political institutions and cultures, with each other and how they are treated by the media. It can also shape who we see as strong and capable leaders.

Yet, there is a lack of diversity in leadership positions across the political system, and accusations of bullying and a toxic culture in our political parties are rife. So what impact does this have upon how Australia is governed and what might be done about it?

From the debates on gender quotas to the bonk ban, from Julie Bishops failed leadership bid to Scott Morrisons cultivated daggy dad persona, from the treatment and legacy of Australias first female prime minister to the machinations of our political parties and parliament, this book explores the subtle and overt operation of gender politics in Australia.

Gender Politics is a provocative and urgent collection that re-examines the way we navigate power and leadership in Australian politics.