Title:   Edith Blakes War : The remarkable story of the only Australian nurse to be killed in action in the First World
Author:   Vane-Tempest Krista
Publisher:   UNSW Press NewSouth
Binding:   Paperback
Edition:   2021
APN:   9781742237398 or ISBN(1742237398)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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In the early hours of 26 February 1918, the British hospital ship Glenart Castle steamed into the Bristol Channel, heading for France to pick up wounded men from the killing fields of the Western Front. Onboard was 32-year-old Australian nurse, Edith Blake. After being torpedoed by a German U-boat, the Glenart Castle took minutes to sink.

Of the 182 onboard, 153 perished including all eight nurses.After missing out on joining the Australian Army, in 1915 Edith Blake was one of 130 Australian nurses allocated to the Queen Alexandra's Imperial Nursing Service by the British government. In very personal letters to her family back home Edith shares her homesickness, frustration with military rules, and the culture shock of Egypt. In Edith Blakes War, her great niece Krista Vane-Tempest traces Ediths story from training in Sydney to her war service in the Middle East and the Mediterranean; her conflicted feelings about nursing German prisoners of war as German aircraft bombed England, to her death in waters where Germany had promised the safe passage of hospital ships.