Title:   Birdy's Tale of a Story
Author:   Small, Sally
Publisher:   Starfish Bay Publishing
Binding:   Hardback
APN:   9781760361907 or ISBN(1760361909)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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Age range 5+

Birdy, a creative thinker, has an idea to write a book with George, her quirky sidekick, which takes the pair on a fun-filled, and surprising adventure.

Birdy's Tale of a Story is a book that encourages children to write, conceptualise or illustrate a story. The book's aim, with some assistance from our heroine 'Birdy' and her faithful Cavoodle 'George', is to help organise a child's thoughts and ideas when structuring a narrative. This book focuses on the basic elements that comprise a good story: setting, characters, problem, climax, and resolution.