Title:   No Longer A Wandering Spirit: Family and kin reclaiming the memory of Minang woman Bessie Flowers
Author:   Huebner, Sharon
Publisher:   Uni Western Australia Pub
Binding:   Paperback
Edition:   2022
APN:   9781760802226 or ISBN(1760802220)
Availability:   In Stock - Ready for dispatch or pick up, we'll email you to confirm.
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Kia Kia, Noogiting Wirren, Minang Yorga, Minang Boodja

We acknowledge the sleeping spirit, the Minang woman, from Minang country

'Bessy Flowers is a hero of mine, and I' m very glad she' s at the centre of a book that features her images and writing, along with the remarkable journey to situate her in family and Country.' – Kim Scott

Bessie Flowers was Minang Noongar woman born in 1851 in King Georges Sound, Albany. She lived at Annesfield mission until she was 16 but spent most of her adult life in Victoria. She is remembered for her gifts as a pianist and singer, for her dedication to teaching, and as a strong Noongar woman who fought to keep Aboriginal families together.