Title:   Between Worlds
Author:   Lovell, B. D.
Publisher:   Uni Western Australia Pub
Binding:   Paperback
APN:   9781760802288 or ISBN(176080228X)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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Age range 13+

The chance to travel to Mars is every budding astronomer's dream.

When the opportunity to join the Alpha crew on a one-way trip to Mars arises, Australian astronomer Del doesn't hesitate. This is her chance to skyrocket to the forefront of her field.

Del's dream to live among the stars also means having to leave Earth forever.

Between Worlds follows Del and the Alpha Crew on their mission to Mars where they soon learn the cosmic reality of life aboard a spaceship without the comforts of Earth. And how everything that once seemed mundane in their Earth-life is now their deepest longing.

Between Worlds is B. D. Lovell's feminist ode to space and the complexities of human connection.

A daring verse novel that is out-of-this-world.