Title:   Hebridean Journey: The Magic of Scotland s Outer Isles
Author:   Benson, Brigid
Publisher:   Birlinn Ltd
Binding:   Paperback
APN:   9781780277707 or ISBN(1780277709)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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Washed by the surging waves of the Atlantic Ocean, the island chain of Scotland's Outer Hebrides lies at the very edge of Europe. From white shell sands, peaty moors and gnarly mountains to heather hills, sea-green lochs and mysterious ancient monuments, these are places of unrivalled beauty.

This book is a fabulous invitation to discover the unique magic of Lewis and Harris, Berneray, North Uist, Grimsay, Benbecula, South Uist, Eriskay, Bara and Vatersay, as well as the vibrant Gaelic culture of the islanders. Packed with fascinating insights, hidden gems and helpful information, it offers the uplifting opportunity for meaningful travels and life-affirming experiences in these extraordinary islands.