Title:   Look Out, Cat!
Author:   Purcell, Rebecca
Publisher:   Starfish Bay Publishing
APN:   9781800360082 or ISBN(1800360088)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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Age range 1+

Rhyming board book with Cat, who rides his skateboard past many animals. Incorporates animal sounds.

Cat loves to ride his skateboard so much he rides past everyone, a goose, a duck, a frog, and more. With colorful, simple illustrations and short, rhyming, easy-to-understand sentences this is part of the Cat's Adventures series of books, aimed at encouraging a love of literacy in emergent readers. The book uses bold illustrations and simple text to enable new readers to enjoy and develop their vocabulary, as well as encouraging the recognition and understanding of word structure through phonics. Printed as a board book, the story is nicely designed for children and readers of all ages.

'Purcell's careful use of language and simple, thoughtful illustration are the strengths of this series.' - Kirkus