Title:   The Stellar Debut of Galactica MacFee
Author:   McCall Smith Alexander
Publisher:   Polygon
Binding:   Hardback
Edition:   2023
APN:   9781846976414 or ISBN(1846976413)
Availability:   In Stock - Ready for dispatch or pick up, we'll email you to confirm.
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Glasgow for Bertie is the promised land. The city of pies and Irn Bru, far from his controlling mother, Irene - his place of escape. But how will he respond to the news of the proposed merging of Edinburgh and Glasgow? A new member of Bertie's class at school is causing ripples in his social circle. She is called Galactica MacFee and is going to be a match for Olive and her lieutenant, Pansy.

And, an incredible new discovery: a Pictish stone, that is said to have the first-know written poem carved into it is the talk of the town. But, when the poem is eventually translated, it is thought it is best to keep it under wraps.

In this new instalment in the perennially popular 44 Scotland Street series, we are back in the world of Angus and Domenico, Bruce, Matthew and Elspeth, and, of course, Bertie and his friend Ranald Braveheart Macpherson. Filled with Alexander McCall Smith's trademark wit, warmth and humour, this new book is a must-read.