Title:   Life on Mars
Author:   Agee Jon
Publisher:   Scallywag Press
Binding:   Hardback
Edition:   2019
APN:   9781912650071 or ISBN(191265007X)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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Age range 3 to 6If you keep an open mind then you will discover all sorts of wonders, so never give up exploring!A daring young astronaut arrives on Mars, certain he will find life there. He has even brought a gift of chocolate cupcakes. But soon he realises he's made a mistake. He won't find life on Mars – and what's worse, now he can't find his spaceship! But as only the audience can see, if only he would turn around he might just meet the friendly Martian who is always lurking shyly one step behind. Our astronaut's only mistake is to give up too soon and go home leaving the poor Martian all alone..'Bursting with quiet wit and gorgeous Martian vistas. Simply masterful.' –  Kirkus Starred Review 'Satisfying silliness from start to finish, with a gotcha ending that will prompt requests for repeat readings.' – PW'Jon Agee excels at creating picture books with unusual settings and characters...for young readers, this book serves as a great introduction to the kinds of books where the reader knows more information than the main character does. – The Huffington Post