Title:   The Quest for Kool
Author:   Flynn, Chris
Publisher:   Museum of Victoria
Binding:   Hardback
APN:   9781921833618 or ISBN(1921833610)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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Age range 5+

The Quest for Kool follows the adventures of an intrepid palaeontologist echidna named Tacho. Her all-time favourite animal is the Koolasuchus, and her greatest wish is to meet one of these long-extinct amphibians in the flesh. So she invents a time travel device! As she skips back through time, Tacho comes across a host of oddball characters, including a chatty marsupial lion and some very hungry toothed seabirds. But will she ever find a Koolasuchus?

Combining education and excitement into one rollicking adventure, readers will relish following along with our plucky heroine as she treks through space and time in her quest to meet a Koolasuchus. Along the way they' ll learn fascinating facts about Australia' s geographic time periods and the ancient animals that inhabited them.