Title:   Caroline
Author:   Wilson, Mark
Publisher:   Windy Hollow Books
Binding:   Hardback
APN:   9781922081018 or ISBN(1922081019)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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Age range 8 to 12

Caroline is the true story of Caroline Chisholm, All who went before her did their part in helping shape Australia into a confident, progressive and vibrant society. But when Caroline arrived in Australia, she thrived on the challenges facing her to help the many orphans, migrants and destitute girls she found living on the streets of Sydney.

Mark Wilson's book gives the reader an insight into her life of service which was evident from when she was a young girl. He traces her life from childhood through to adulthood, retelling her story for young readers.

This book is a tribute to a remarkable woman, and an inspiring story of female achievement.