Title:   Ayla's Christmas Wish
Author:   Masciullo, Lucia
Publisher:   National Library of Australia
Binding:   Hardback
APN:   9781922507617 or ISBN(192250761X)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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Age range 3 to 6

Christmas is coming and Ayla wants a snowman just like in her book, but there is no snow to be found in her drought-stricken town, not even a drop of rain. Only bales of hay.

Ayla's Christmas Wish is inspired by the small, south-west Victorian town of Tarrington, which runs a hay bale design competition each year. This book compares European Christmas traditions with the reality of a hot, dry Australian summer. Behind the story of Ayla wishing for a snowman, there is a town wishing for rain.

This story celebrates a community at Christmas-time, and highlights the importance and beauty of small-town resilience.