Title:   Yinti Desert Child
Author:   Lowe Pat
Publisher:   Magabala Books
Binding:   Paperback
Edition:   2019
APN:   9781925768831 or ISBN(192576883X)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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Age range 9 - 12The first book in the Yinti series of three books. The stories are linked in a sequence that shows Yinti's development from a young bushie to a competent station worker and adult. Yinti is a traditional Walmajarri Aboriginal boy growing up Great Sandy Desert in the remote North West of Australia – one of the most marginal environments on earth. This is the story of Yinti's coming of age. He has no contact with white people until the last chapter of the book when he meets his first white man, first horse and first bullock. The stories are based on people and events as told to Pat Lowe by Jimmy Pike.