Title:   Sea Country
Author:   Aunty Patsy Cameron,
Publisher:   Magabala Books
Binding:   Hardback
APN:   9781925936032 or ISBN(1925936031)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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*CBCA 2022 Notable Book: Early childhood*

Age range 0 to 9

Summer is the season

for ripening wild cherries,


wild currants,


The canygong fruits taste like salty strawberries.

In this delightful children's picture book, Aunty Patsy Cameron generously shares the stories and traditions from her family's seasonal island life in Tasmania. With evocative text and stunning illustrations, Sea Country lets the reader know when to pick ripe wild cherries, when the moon (mutton) birds fly home and how the nautilus shells smell like the deepest oceans.

Aunty Patsy Cameron, who is a descendant of the Pairebeenne Trawlwoolway clan in Tasmania, weaves a cultural homage to life on Flinder's Island, with stories of collecting shells, fishing in wooden dinghies with long oars, and watching clouds snake their way down Mt Munro. Alongside this tender story, Lisa Kennedy reveals the love and connection to sea and Country through her intricate collages and delicate illustrations that sing country alive.