Title:   A Floral Grimoire
Author:   Telesco, Patricia
Publisher:   Autoloaded
Binding:   Paperback
APN:   9781959883326 or ISBN(1959883321)
Availability:   Currently Unavailable - Contact us to confirm availability and price.
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A Floral Grimoire sets out to combine Wise Woman know-how with the Victorians' floral fascination, blending folklore, history, and magic to create an enchanting, engaging book. This updated and revised collection of spells, prayers, and correspondences will make a welcome addition to any green witch' s herbal book collection.

This charming book makes an excellent companion for those lovely, peaceful walks through the garden. Patricia Telesco has created a delightful grimoire that shows the reader how to create magical charms and spells using the  abundance of floral life found to delicately grow in the witch' s garden or in the wild forests and woodlands. If you' ve been drawn to a style of magic and witchcraft that is much more animistic in nature, then A Floral Grimoire will  make an excellent addition to your magical library.